Relationship Chart Maker

Welcome to your Free Relationship Chart maker!

How do know if you’re compatible with someone? Why do you connect with some people but not others? What determines whether you will you get along or not? What are your strengths or challenges in relating to certain people? How can you better understand your relationship with someone?

Can astrology offer any insights? That would be a “yes.” Can astrology help improve all your relationships? Another “yes.” To understand how you connect with someone, astrology offers a relationship chart, also called a synastry chart.

What is a relationship chart anyway?

A relationship chart explains the connection between you and another person. The other person can be anyone in your life – your BFF, crush, spouse, parent, teacher, work colleague… or anyone, really. A relationship chart compares your birth chart with someone’s else’s. It’s a side-by-side comparison of your two birth charts.

What does a relationship chart look like?

It looks like a double chart, with two concentric circles, because it contains the birth information of both you and another person.

Why is it a big deal?

The connections your planets make to each other tells the story of how you connect. A relationship chart can shed light on how you get along or not. It gives you incredible insight and perspective that you can’t find anywhere else. Often times you may not even be consciously aware of how your energies work with someone else’s.

How to Complete Your Free Relationship Chart

Enter your exact birth time (to the minute), day, month, year, and city and state (or city and country) and the other person’s birth time (to the minute), day, month, year, and city and state (or city and country) to generate a relationship chart.

What if you don’t know exact birth time?

Even a few minutes off of your real birth time can make a huge difference in some cases. If you don’t know your exact birth time – to the minute - then your birth chart won’t be as accurate. The best place to get your birth time is from your birth certificate - if it is recorded there. In the USA, this is usually located on your long-form birth certificate. Do not adjust for Daylight Savings Time. If you don’t know your exact birth time, use 12 noon (12:00 PM) as a stand-in. But just know that your results won’t be as accurate.

What if you don’t know the other person’s exact birth time?

Similar to the above, if you don’t know another person’s birth time, the report will not be as accurate. You can use 12 noon (12:00 PM) as a stand-in. But just know that your results can’t give you exact details, just general concepts.


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Want to purchase a relationship chart report?

If you want more information and an analysis of your relationship chart for purchase, click here.


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The charts were created by Astro-charts ( Please see Astro-chart’s Terms Of use (

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