Forecast Chart Reports

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When should the report begin?


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What is a forecast chart report?

As they say: Timing is Everything. A forecast chart report is a guide to your future! It’s an astrological write-up of the major themes and issues that you’ll to encounter.

Most people want to know what’s going on in their lives. They also want to know what will happen to them in the future. Astrology can help. One of the most important astrological technique is called “transits” - or forecasts.

When you want to know what’s happening in your life at a particular moment, a transit or forecast chart can tell you. Transits compare your birth chart to a specific date in time. It could be now, in the future or even in the past. It’s the astrological equivalent of a time machine. There are seven report options.

What is a Professional Forecaster: Yearly Transits?

This report includes nine types of major and minor aspects from the important slower-moving outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, plus the lunar Node. It also includes the entry of these points into new houses. Reports average about 15-20 pages and include a copy of your birth chart, and a handy list of transits arranged in order of importance. Report is $25.

Want to know more about transits? Click here.

What is a Professional Forecaster: Progressions - 3 years?

Discusses your most important upcoming life trends using secondary progressions. Progressions are derived from your transits during your most formative years -- the first few months of life. They excel at bringing out the more life-changing influences of the inner planets, which as transiting points generally move too fast to make a major impact on your life. It interprets your progressed aspects and progressed sign and house ingresses with reference to your natal chart and also in relation to other progressed points. Reports average about 15 pages. Plus, there’s a copy of your natal chart, progressed charts for the beginning and end of the period, and a list of all the progressions arranged in order of importance. Specify birth date, time, place and starting month. Report is $25.

 Want to know more about progressions? Click here.

What is a Professional Forecaster: A Year of Transits and Progressions?

Combines the Yearly Transits and Yearly Progressions reports into one timeline. The result is a more rounded and complete view of your major trends during the year. Reports average about 15 pages per year. Plus, there’s a copy of your natal chart, progressed charts for the beginning and end of the period, and a list of all the transits and progressions arranged in order of importance. Specify birth date, time, place and starting month. Report is $35.


What is a Professional Forecaster: Day by Day Transits - 6 months?

To help you plan for a more successful life, this forecast identifies your most favorable days for taking important actions, and the more stressful days when it’s best to adopt a philosophical attitude and just stick to routine tasks. It includes all the slow-moving planets from the Yearly Transits report, but concentrates on the transiting fast-moving planets (except the Moon). It interprets all entries into new houses plus both major and minor aspects to your natal chart. Reports average about 35 pages per 6-month period. Also included are a copy of your birth chart and a list of all the transits arranged in order of their importance. Specify birth date, time, place, and starting month. Report is $60.

 Want to know more about transits? Click here.

What is a Professional Forecaster: Day by Day Transits - 3 months?

To help you plan for a more successful life, this forecast identifies your most favorable days for taking important actions, and the more stressful days when it’s best to adopt a philosophical attitude and just stick to routine tasks. It includes all the slow-moving planets from the Yearly Transits report, but concentrates on the transiting fast-moving planets (except the Moon). It interprets all entries into new houses plus both major and minor aspects to your natal chart. Reports average about 35 pages per 3-month period. Also included are a copy of your birth chart and a list of all the transits arranged in order of their importance. Specify birth date, time, place, and starting month. Report is $35.


What is a Professional Forecaster: Day by Day Transits - 1 month with Moon?

When you’re planning your schedule, adding the Moon’s transits can prepare you for fluctuations in mood and can help pinpoint the best (and worst) hours for various activities. Includes everything in the Daily Planning Guide, plus transits by the Moon, which makes a number of aspects almost every day, and which enters a new house about every 2 1/2 days. Reports average about 35 pages per month. Also included are a copy of your birth chart and a list of all the transits arranged in order of their importance. Specify birth date, time, place, and starting month. Report is $35.


What is a Professional Forecaster: Long-Range Outer Transits?

Using the transits of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, this report will give you insight into what challenges you might face during any five year period. This report uses nine major and minor aspects to help you delineate your long range outlook. Specify birth date, time, place and starting month. Report is $25.


How to purchase your professional forecast chart report (and other reports)

You can purchase your printable, in-depth report below. Your report will be delivered via email.

Enter your exact birth time (to the minute), day, month, year, and city and state (or city and country) to generate your birth chart.

There are many other reports available for purchase. Please see drop down menu for options. For more information on what these additional reports are all about, please go to: You will find all the report write-up’s.  

All reports were written by the amazing astrologers at Astrolabe. Your order will be processed by Astrolabe.

What if you don’t know your exact birth time?

Even a few minutes off of your real birth time can make a huge difference in some cases. If you don’t know your exact birth time – to the minute - then your birth chart won’t be as accurate. You won’t get the full picture of who you are astrologically.  

The best place to get your birth time is from your birth certificate - if it is recorded there. In the USA, this is usually located on your long-form birth certificate. Do not adjust for Daylight Savings Time.

If you don’t know your exact birth time, you can still use this birth chart maker, but you won’t be able to calculate your Moon sign, Ascendant sign, or any of the houses. If you don’t know your exact birth time, use 12 noon (12:00 PM) as a stand-in. But just know that your results won’t be as accurate in revealing who you are.


How to answer “When should the report begin?”

You have two choices when to start the clock on your report - immediately or a particular date. If you want to know what’s going on immediately, then check the “now” box. If you want to know what’s going on sometime in the future, put that date in the box. Easy!

Issues downloading?

If you have any questions or issues about your order, please contact


Are forecast chart reports accurate?

Yes, forecast chart reports can be very accurate – if you’re using your exact birth information. But there are limitations to it because it is a computer generated report. The information in it is not synthesized or summarized as accurately as if you had an astrological reading with a professionally trained astrologer.

If your report does not seem accurate, it’s possible that your birth time is incorrect. Sadly, sometimes the time listed on your birth certificate can be off by several minutes. The time your mother may think or remember you were born may also not be 100% accurate. It happens. Even a few minutes off of your real birth time can be enough to throw your entire chart off.


In no event will Gemini Alcott and/or Aventine Press LLC, its officers, directors, employees, affiliates, agents, attorneys, representatives, be liable for any decision made or action taken in reliance upon the information provided in or through birth chart maker. Please see the full Terms of Service (LINK) for details.

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The reports were created by Astrolabe ( Please see Astrolabe’s disclaimer ( and privacy policy:

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