Astrology 101 - The Basics of Astrology
Astrology is the study of how stars and planets influence your personality, behavior, and motivations. It helps explain who you are and why you're you. Astrology is a tool that you can use to decode your life. It may actually know more about you than you do. Mic drop!
The main building blocks of astrology are twelve zodiac signs. A zodiac sign is a personality type. It’s a style, attitude, temperament, and way of being that influences how you express yourself. Astrologers, the people who practice astrology professionally, believe that your zodiac sign can describe about 40 percent of who you are. Signs correspond to the day and month you were born.
There are 12 Zodiac Signs
But you’re molded by other astrological factors too. You have a rising sign that impacts how people view you. Your Moon sign is about your emotions. These two make up another 30 percent of you. Rising and Moon signs are calculated by using your birth time, day, month, and year. Another 20 percent comes from how eight planets affect you: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Far from being just pieces of orbiting gravel, each planet reveals another layer of you, from how you think, to what you need in love and more. Planets are connected to your birth time, day, month, and year.
There are 10 Planets
Astrology also tells you where things will be happening in your life. It uses the concept of twelve houses to indicate the areas in your life that are affected. For example, if you want to know what’s happening in your career or your romantic life, the tenth and fifth houses, respectively, can give you that insight. Houses cover about 5 percent of who you are. They’re calculated using your birth time, day, month, and year.
There are 12 Houses
The final 5 percent of you is related to aspects. These are connections planets make to each other. Aspects are the distance, in degrees, between planets in the sky. They explain how the different parts of your personality work together, like your head and your heart or your ego and your drive. Aspects correspond to your birth time, day, month, and year.
There are tons of Aspects
This blend of signs, planets, houses, and aspects is your unique heavenly imprint. It’s your cosmic DNA.