Transits - Deep Dive


It’s when: planets are “aspecting” each other in your birth chart. One planet is making a mathematical connection to the degree of another. 

It means: that the planet “transiting” will have some effect on a planet in your birth chart. Something will be triggered. It can show up in the form of an external event or action. Your water pipes may burst suddenly. That’s a Neptune transit. It’s the planet that deals with water. You may be feeling more angry than usual. That’s a Mars transit. Mars is the God of War.

It lasts: different lengths of time depending on the transiting planet's cycle. A Pluto cycle is very long – roughly 224 years to go around once. While a moon transit is only 28 days.  

It helps you by: giving you a general idea of what could happen in your life at a particular moment. it can offer up timeframes when it's smooth sailing or choppy waters ahead.

This can be very helpful in planning your activities. When good times are ahead, you can prepare mentally, financially, physically, spiritually, and psychologically so opportunities don't pass you by. If you know tough times are coming, you can get help in advance. If you know it’s going to rain, you can pack an umbrella.

Interpreting transits can get very complicated. Astrologers can help. Getting an astrology reading to review your upcoming “transits” can go a long way in setting you up for success.

Do you have any examples of important transits in your life?


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