
Crystal Ball version 2 

Progressions (aka secondary progressions) are predictive methods of astrology. They can tell you what might happen in your future. Progressions are similar to transits in that they dial – or move - the birth chart planets forward into the future. A progressed birth chart calculates how far the planets have moved from their spot they were in on your birth chart.

Astrologers look at the location of the 10 planetsAscendant, and Midheaven in the progressed chart to see what changes have happened since you were born. Changes in Zodiac signs and houses, plus aspects in the progressed planets are compared to your birth chart.

Progressions focus on what’s happening to you on an internal level. These are changes in your mental or emotional world. External events are not included in this process such as life changes – like work or relationship.

Would you use progressions?


Trifecta: Sun and Moon


How do elements connect with each other?