How do elements connect with each other?

How do the four elements relate to each other? How do the four elements get along?

Fire and Fire:

Fire and Earth:

Fire and Air:

Fire and Water:

Earth and Fire:

Earth and Earth:

Earth and Air:

Earth and Water:

Air and Fire: can have a strong connection because air ignites fire. Fire can grow and thrive in the presence of air. Someone with a fire sign might feel encouraged and supported by an air sign.

Air and Earth:

Air and Air:

Air and Water:

Water and Fire:

Water and Earth:

Water and Air:

Water and Water:

Water and Air:

Water and Earth: can have a strong connection because earth can feel nurtured by water. Water and earth combined can create something new. Earth also holds water, if you think about a lake or a river. This can be translated as a water sign feeling held together by an earth sign.

Air and Fire:

Air and Water:

What’s your element? How do you connect with other elements?




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