The Moon - Deep Dive

The planet of your emotions and habits

The Moon answers the question: why do I react emotionally the way I do? 

Represents: your feelings and how you feel comforted

 It’s in charge of:

-       Your feelings, emotions, moods, attitude

-       Your habits and behavioral patterns

-       Your gut instincts and hunches

Key words: emotions, nurturing, safety, responsiveness, security, moods, the past, habits, unconscious responses, the feminine 

Moon’s goal for you: to feel safe and comforted

The Moon is the voice in your head that: feels all the feels. It’s the sensitive and caring part of you

The History: Humans have been aware of the moon since they first roamed the Earth. It’s the only light in the sky at night when seen from Earth. Galileo's first observed the moon with his telescope in 1609

The Astronomy: the Moon is the Earth’s only satellite. It has a pull on our ocean tides.  The Moon’s appearance changes as the months pass. It moves through phases from full moon to new Moon, and back again

It’s made up of: not of cheese! I’ll admit it looks like a large round piece of swiss cheese with holes in it. The Moon has a crust, mantle and core. It’s The surface is covered with volcanoes, craters and lava flows. There’s a lot of evidence of asteroid collisions too

Can you see the Moon with the naked eye? Yes every night it changes shape and returns to its original shape in 28-30 days

You can see the Moon best: when it’s a clear night sky 

 The Mythology: The Moon was known as Selene in Greek mythology. In Latin she is called Luna. She is viewed as a goddess and was worshipped at the new and full moons. Nice gig if you can get it. Where can I sign up?  

Moon fun facts:

-       The same side of the moon always faces the Earth. The far side of the moon was first observed in 1959 when the unmanned Soviet Luna 3 mission photographed it. 

-       The moon lacks any significant atmosphere, or magnetic field

-       People in ancient times used the moon to measure the passing of the month

If the Moon where a person or a thing, they would be: your emo BFF who is super compassionate 

Rules the Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Have any experiences with the Moon in your life?


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