Iman B.
Iman B.
Age: 29
Sun Sign: Scorpio
The best thing about being a Scorpio is: We love so damn hard. And I'm not even just talking about within our relationships, but let's start with that. We are of the ride-or-die crowd. Earn my friendship and I will walk with you until the end of time and straight toward any line of fire. This love transfers to all passions. Anything that earns our attention, we will pour every ounce of our blood and sweat into making it better.
The hardest thing about being a Scorpio: Emotions hit hard. We're major empaths. I constantly have to monitor how much news I consume because I just can't take all the awful stuff going on around the world. I'm always aware of how amplified my emotions are, whether it's anger, sorrow, or pure happiness.
I’m at my most Scorpio when: I'm at the gym. Want to watch all that pent up passion get released? Watch the intensity and dedication I bring to my workouts. It also helps balance out all those emotions that have me feeling like an overflowing glass of water.
My best tips for other Scorpios: Find your peace and continue being the fearless scorpio bad ass you were born to be! You're going to love, hate, feel, and work hard because that's who you are, but don't forget to take time to find something that brings you calmness. Your energy is not endless, it needs to be replenished. Once you have that figured out, you have the power of a thousand suns!
What else do you want people to know about being a Scorpio? I think a lot of people misunderstand the mysteries of a Scorpio. I'm just here sizing you up! No, but really, I want to take it all in. There's a lot going on in my head at all times.