Shannon S.
Shannon S.
Age: 28
Sun Sign: Pisces
The best thing about being a Pisces is: Pisces are easy-going, gentle and kind. They make for compassionate listeners and friends. A Pisces will be there for you when you need them and let you vent about your problems without offering unsolicited advice. Pisces can have a healing presence about them and they can be talented at making people feel better. Pisces can see the goodness inside of other people. They make great life-cheerleaders and they will help others believe in their dreams. Pisces are so giving and are often admired for their empathetic nature.
The hardest thing about being a Pisces: Pisces are sensitive people and this is a great quality but it also comes with its challenges. A Pisces is able to walk into a room and absorb the energy that is present in it. We are able to pick up on subtle energetic shifts or changes in someone else's mood. A Pisces will notice how their friends are feeling even if they are trying to hide it. Pisces can have a sixth sense for what is happening around them that is almost unnerving. This heightened sensitivity is a wonderful thing but it can be difficult to manage. When a Pisces is offended or hurt, it is important for them to learn to validate their own emotions and find healthy ways of expressing them.
I’m at my most Pisces when: When I have the opportunity to express my creativity. Pisces are artists. Pisces can create beautiful abstract visual art. They are graceful and have a sensitive eye for beauty. They make wonderful musicians since they are so in touch with their emotions. Pisces can compose soulful music with the sweetest melodies. Music is a gift that a Pisces can give to the world. Sometimes the creative genius of a Pisces can go unseen but it is right there just beneath the surface.
My best tips for other Pisces: Stand up for yourself! Think about what your needs are and be direct about them. Pisces might feel like they have to go with the flow all the time since they are a mutable water sign, but you can speak up when something is important to you. We don’t have to say yes to everything. Try getting more comfortable with confrontation. Set clear boundaries for yourself and stay true to them.
What else do you want people to know about being a Pisces? In Traditional Astrology, Pisces is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and wisdom. Pisces might seem wise beyond their years. It can be rewarding to have a deep conversation with one of them. They are often lost in thought and love to share their wonderings. The mind of a Pisces can wander in and out of the strangest places and come back with some of the most interesting insights.