Jocelyn C.

Jocelyn C.

Age: 25

Sun Sign: Gemini

The best thing about being a Gemini is: Being able to make new friends everywhere! Seriously, I love chatting up cashiers, going to social events and making new friends, and making new friends in a classroom.

The hardest thing about being a Gemini is: having a ton of ideas. While this is also a great thing, it always feels like I am thinking about something or have an idea pop into my head. 

I’m at my most Gemini when: I am in a group of people talking about a subject I love. As a grad student, talking in class with my classmates about ideas, theories, and opinions is where I thrive! Or having long conversations with friends. I could talk indefinitely.

My best tips for other Gemini: Embrace your duality. It can seem strange to some people when you can change on a dime, but it is not a bad thing. People just don't understand your complexity.

What else do you want people to know about being a Gemini? We are all not two-faced! We are incredibly adaptable in social situations, so we get to communicate with lots of people all at once and create mini-relationships.



Cory P.


Sophie L.