JaNelle L.
JaNelle L.
Age: 31
Sun Sign: Virgo
The best thing about being a Virgo is: I think it's the ready to start attitude and my spontaneity. I know as a Virgo that isn’t a usual trait. But I don’t mean spontaneity in the usual sense, I mean spontaneity that I can control, that comes when I have a new idea to make something better or help someone. I love that, once my mind gets fixated on a project I go for it. I want to get started and add it to my list of accomplishments.
The hardest thing about being a Virgo: is letting others help. I don’t want to say we are perfectionist, but we like things done our way. So often we don’t ask for help or are reluctant to ask. When other’s offer, they have to be highly insistent and repeatedly insistent. If we do come to you for help, just know it took us a long time to get our minds around it.
I’m at my most Virgo when: As a new mom, its my me time! When I get to create and read. I love my when I have to the opportunity to write and work on my art. When I get the candle burning and my music going, I get in the zone and become productive, its pure enjoyment. I love it.
My best tips for other Virgos: Ask for help. Always ask for help, I know we don’t want to, but being perfect isn’t worth the stress. Being stress, having the anxiety isn’t worth it. Yes, we like to do everything ourselves and sure we can do everything. BUT there is nothing wrong with asking for help.
What else do you want people to know about being a Virgo? If we come to you with our hearts on our sleeves and we let you in, please don’t trample over us. Once we feel like you don’t deserve us, we will leave. We will give you the world, and expect it in return.