Amrita G.
Amrita G.
Age: 23
Sun Sign: Gemini
The best thing about being a Gemini is: · Being open minded. Geminis don't think there's a right or wrong answer to everything. They like to make arguments for both sides and see the gray area a lot. So, I'm able to appreciate and understand various perspectives.
The hardest thing about being a Gemini is: · not sticking to my convictions. It's hard for me to stick to a specific set of beliefs because I feel like there are so many other choices to explore. This becomes an issue when I have to be loyal to a cause.
I’m at my most Gemini when: I am having an intellectual conversation. I love discussing philosophical concepts and talking about meaningful change. When I'm having these kinds of conversations, the Gemini in me makes it easy to think about things logically and openly discuss sensitive topics.
My best tips for other Geminis: · When you make a promise, follow through on it. And make sure to feel your emotions even if it's easier to process things rationally and logically. At the end of the day, no matter how much we try to hide it, we are still humans with feelings.
What else do you want people to know about being a Gemini? We aren't necessarily "two-faced"...we just have different personalities which come out based on the situation. We feed off other people's energies and try to make whoever we're around comfortable. That means we just act differently to different people.