Pisces - Deep Dive

Feb. 19-March 20

A Creative Dreamer

Your symbol: Two fish swimming in opposite directions and connected by a cord

Key words: imaginative, sensitive, dreamy, intuitive

Your element: is Water

Your mode: is Mutable

Your planetary ruler: is Neptune

Your “why” is: to make the world less harsh. You’re here to remind us that we’re all one  and connected in the universe. You know there’s a deeper meaning to life and it’s pure and good. “Kindness” is a word that means something to you. Your mission in life is to create a caring and gentle environment where everyone gets along, mainly because you’re super- sensitive and easily offended.

You’re: the dreamer of the zodiac. You love to daydream. You can easily tap into a fantasy world of your own making. Sometimes you have trouble dealing with reality and prefer to see the world as you want it to be, usually through rose-colored glasses. On the one hand, you may be naïve and too trusting because you want to believe the best in people. On the other hand, you have a heightened intuition and just “know” things. Your     sign is the most closely connected to spirituality and other realms. You like to create an enchanting world in your mind where unicorns live, everyone gets free ice cream, and fairy tales come true.

Are you a Pisces? Do you know a Pisces?


How to relate to a Pisces


Pisces - Overview