Void Moon - Deep Dive

There’s one last item to add to your Moon tool kit. It’s a phenomenon called a “Moon void of course”—or just plain “void Moon.” When the Moon is void, its energy is low or non-existent. It’s when things don’t work out as planned. Something gets in the way. It could even be yourself. You’re just not as productive or on top of things then. The Moon can go void for a few minutes or a few hours several times a week. A void Moon lasting half a day is rare.

Starting something on a void Moon is like planting a seed in bad soil. It may never grow. That’s because a void Moon is considered to be offline. It’s in vacay mode sipping margaritas on the beach. The time the Moon goes void is like a cosmic dead zone. All calls are dropped. The Moon rules emotions, so when it goes "void," people are not working with a full deck. I love a void moon. Let’s celebrate. Said no one ever.

Projects started on a void Moon don’t go as planned. There are always problems and setbacks. Either nothing will happen, or things don't happen the way you want. That major product launch you’ve been planning? It got canceled during a void Moon because someone used your budget for the company karaoke night. It’s like you’re on a park bench fighting pigeons for bread crumbs. You won’t win.

Every twenty-seven days or so the Moon orbits the Earth with the backdrop of the twelve zodiac signs. During its monthly ride, it connects with the other nine planets. When it passes by each planet it says (and I’m paraphrasing), “Hey planet, you good? Great. See you in another twenty-seven days.”

There are brief moments when the Moon is not connecting to a planet. In that time frame the Moon is considered void. It happens because the Moon doesn’t have any light of its own. It reflects the light of other planets. So when it’s not connecting to a planet, it’s as if it’s out of batteries. A void Moon occurs after the Moon makes its final major aspect to a planet in one zodiac sign and before it connects to another planet in another sign.

A void Moon can occur during any Moon phase. You’ll want to know the dates and times of a void Moon so you can work around them. The best way to find out when a void Moon is coming up is to download a Moon phase app with a void Moon tracker. Works like a charm.

What do you think of a Void Moon?


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The Moon Phases