Void Moon - Overview

Avoid The Void

When the Moon is void, its energy is low or non-existent. It’s when things don’t work out as planned. Something gets in the way. It could even be yourself. You’re just not as productive or on top of things then. The Moon can go void for a few minutes or a few hours several times a week. A void Moon lasting half a day is rare.

Starting something on a void Moon is like planting a seed in bad soil. It may never grow. That’s because a void Moon is considered to be offline. It’s in vacay mode sipping margaritas on the beach. The time the Moon goes void is like a cosmic dead zone. All calls are dropped. The Moon rules emotions, so when it goes "void," people are not working with a full deck. I love a void moon. Let’s celebrate. Said no one ever. 

It’s when: the Moon has finished all major connections to other planets. It’s the cosmic equivalent of the time between Christmas and New Year’s. Nothing gets done. You don’t know what day it is, who you are, or what you’re supposed to be doing.

It means: the Moon doesn’t have the energy to do anything. 

It looks: normal. There’s no visible way to see it.

It lasts: from a few minutes to several hours, about every 2¼ days. There are no regular weekly or monthly dates or times for a void Moon.

It helps you by: getting you to slow down and rethink your next steps. If nothing’s going to happen, then why not jot down a few notes instead?

Your energy level: is not affected.

You may feel: frustrated. It’s like wading in quicksand because nothing’s happening like it should. That presentation you made got a lot of blank stares. Or the new coat you ordered online arrived with holes.

It may affect your: judgment. You’ve got foggy brain syndrome. Your decisions could lead to unexpected or negative results. Like that trip you planned to the Bahamas but forgot that’s it during the hurricane season. The big one is coming and now you can’t get a refund.

Key words are:  delay, frustration, aimless, pause, slow, unproductive.

Sign: can be any.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before or During a Void Moon

 ·       What important events are scheduled during a void Moon? Can I reschedule them?

·       What important actions am I supposed to make during a void Moon? Can I do them earlier or later?

·       What things in my life need some maintenance or review? Can I get them done before the void Moon?


Full Moons


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