Trifecta: Moon and Ascendant

Your Moon and Ascendant - how do you feel people view you? 

Your ascendant sign is how you’re perceived by others. It’s your outer coating. The moon is how you feel. It’s your inner world. Your ascendant and moon sign show how you feel you’re being perceived. 

Your Moon and Ascendant’s connection will answer questions like:

 Do I want to appear a certain way to others, but am not that way inside?

Do people think I’m one type on the outside, but am I very different in private?

Do I allow my feelings to affect how I show up in the world?

 To answer these questions look at the signs they’re connected to. Do they naturally get along? Check the matrix in the back of the book to know.

 Next look at the aspects between them.

Here’s an example of the kind of conversation your Moon and Ascendent are having inside your head about a situation:

Your Capricorn Ascendant (is motivated by status): My professor wants me to try out for president of the student body. That’s really flattering. People always see me as capable and responsible. While I appreciate that, it’s my cover. It’s the mask I wear in public. I try hard to appear like I’m totally in control and on my A game.

 Your Pisces moon (driven by feelings and empathy): Wow! Capricornyou’re super good at hiding how I really feel inside. You make me look good. But deep inside I’m emotional and feel vulnerable. I don’t know if I could win the election and even if I do, I don’t feel like I can do the job.

What can you do?

To get your Moon and Ascendant to work well together, you need to decide what amount of emotion you’re willing to show the world. It may depend on who you’re with or what you’re doing. If you’re giving a presentation at work, you probably need a little more Capricorn and less Pisces. But what if being open and vulnerable works? What do you need to find out?

How do your Moon and Ascendant get along?


Solar and Lunar Eclipses


Trifecta: Sun and Ascendant