The Astrology of Health

 Have you heard of the “Zodiac Man”? No, he’s not your dream-guy that takes your Sun, moon and rising sign into consideration when giving you gifts. “Zodiac Man” is a 15th century painting of a man with body parts highlighted that are associated with a planet. 

What Is It:

Ancient astrologers believed that each astrological sign of the zodiac influenced a specific part of the body. The Zodiac Man was created to visually represent this belief. 

Our medieval ancestors believed that we humans were microcosms of the universe.  In others words, they thought that the body was divided into regions just like the Earth is. Each of these regions was ruled by a sign of the Zodiac or the Sun and moon. In fact, they felt that zodiac signs and the planets influenced your body and health in general. 

These diagrams instructed doctors and barber-surgeons whether it was safe to bleed a patient or to perform surgery; if the moon was in the sign of the bodypart in question, it was not recommended. medieval medicine to determine the correct time for surgery, medication, bloodletting, and other procedures

How Does It Work: 

Determine the best time to do activities related to certain parts of the body. While astrological decision-making was often do-it-yourself, astrological specialists could also be consulted. After examining an individual's natal chart, a medical astrologer may give advice to the client about the areas of the body in which they are most likely to experience trouble.

They consulted the Zodiac Man chart to see which parts of the body are associated with which signs and dates. According to astrology, it is considered a poor time to do an activity that involves the given body part within the associated range of dates. For example, because Aries is connected to the head, it would be considered unfavorable to have an eye examination during the time of Aries (March 21 to April 20).

Zodiac anatomy in medical astrology: 

 Aries — Head

Taurus — Neck, Throat

Gemini — Arms & shoulders, Mental health, Nervous System

Cancer — Breast, Uterus, Ovaries, Emotional Health

Leo — Shoulder blades & Sides, Heart

Virgo — Stomach & intestines

Libra — Hips & buttocks

Scorpio — Genitals

Sagittarius — Thighs

Capricorn — Knees

Aquarius — Ankles

Pisces — Feet


How to Use It In Your Daily Life: 

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