Horary Astrology - the real crystal ball

The Astrology of Answering Questions

Horary astrology - the ancient branch astrology where an astrologer tried to answer a question for a client. It the closest to a crystal ball we have. The question has to be answerable by a simple “yes” or “no.”

What is it: you use horary whenever you want an answer to a question. That question has to be answered by a “yes” or “no.” You can turn to the heavens to help you make a decision.

How does it work: An astrologer will  create a horoscope chart for the exact time (down to the minute) and location that you ask the question (outloud). It has to be asked and understood by the astrologer at that time. The astrologer will then create a chart, analyze it, and give you a yes or no question about what they see.

How to Use it in Your Daily Life: whenever you need some planetary guidance and have a question that you can answer in a simple way, you might consider getting a horary reading by a professional astrologer

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