Aspects - Overview

Aspects are the distances, or geometric angles, between planets in your chart. They’re shown as colored lines. The number of degrees apart two planets are determines their aspect. Aspects explain how planets get along. If planets have personalities, then aspects are the conversations they’re having.

Aspects are formed when planets are within eight degrees of each other. The distances are called orbs. Orbs refer to the exactness of the angle connecting two planets. Orbs are the range of influence when an aspect between two planets comes into effect. When a planet is “within orb” to another planet, it means that it is within eight degrees of an exact degree match. That’s eight degrees plus or minus.

For example, if Mercury is at eight degrees of Pisces and Neptune is at sixteen degrees of Pisces, they’re within orb and considered “conjunct.” They’re eight degrees apart. But if Mercury was at seven degrees of Pisces, then it would not be “in orb” to Neptune because it is nine degrees apart. Think of it like two people walking towards each other. At about eight degrees apart, they start to catch sight of each other. The closer they get, the better they can see each other and the stronger their connection. Same thing with planets.

Aspects determine the ease or difficulty of the connection between two planets. Different aspects have different meanings.

The smaller the degrees apart planets are, the smaller the orb. The wider apart the planets are, the bigger the orb. Smaller orbs between planets have stronger effects. Wider orbs have lesser effects.

There are six main aspects: conjunction, sextile, trine, square, opposition, and inconjunct.

Do you know how many aspects you have?


Easy Aspects - Overview


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