3rd House Deep Dive

The house of your schooling up to college (nursery, kindergarten, elementary, middle and high school) and how you communicate and process information 

 Key words: communication, transportation, traffic, Language, Early Education, Perception, siblings, intelligence, neighbors

Look to the third house for direction on: how you learn, speak, read, write and process information. Insights into schooling from nursery school to high school 

The third house focuses on

 1.      Communication: how to communicate and process information – read, write, speak etc. Even the internet, TV and radio belongs in this house

2.     Transportation: short trips are part of this house

3.     Learning: how you learn and digest information

4.     Early education: this is nursery till high school. This is your foundational education that sets the stage for higher education in the 9th house

5.     Siblings: your brothers and sisters appear in this house. It describes them and also your relationship with them


2nd House Deep Dive


4th House Deep Dive