Aries - Deep Dive

March 21-April 19

A Courageous Trailblazer

Your symbol: is the Ram. The goat uses its head and horns to literally “ram” through anything that gets in its way. Aries is considered the first sign of the zodiac and therefore the baby. Aries kicks off the new astrological year in March, so it represents the newness and potential of springtime. Think of the flower that blooms brightly from a seed that  had been tucked away all winter.

Your element: is Fire

Your mode: is Cardinal

Your planetary ruler: is Mars

Key words: action, driven, innovative, creative, assertive, fiery, fast 

Your “why” is: to take charge and pave the way for the rest of us. You’re ambitious and are motivated  by success and accomplishment. You love a challenge. You’re a pioneer and leader who wants to break new ground. You’re decisive and courageous. You know there’s an advantage to being a “first mover.

There’s an engine inside of you that’s constantly running. It’s always full steam ahead. You just keep going with sheer will power. You rarely give up and don’t accept defeat. You’re a “take no prisoners” kind of person.

You’re: the warrior of the zodiac. You’re an Alpha. You’re confident, driven, passionate, brave, competitive, strong-willed, and oriented toward action. You’re focused on winning, not just surviving. You’re pathologically optimistic, outgoing, and always taking charge, kind of like a military leader or professional athlete. If you haven’t won, it’s because it’s not over yet. You always have a solution too. “I Will Survive” is your theme song.

Are you an Aries? Do you know an Aries?


Aries - Overview