Saturn Deep Dive

The Planet of responsibility and authority 

Saturn answers the question: Where am I an authority? What makes me afraid, anxious or depressed?

Represents: how you handle lessons, fears and boundaries

It’s in charge of:

 -      Your fears, stressors, and anxieties

-      Where you feel sad and depressed

-      Where you lack confidence; where you feel rejected

-      Where you may feel restricted

-      Your life lessons

Key words: Responsibility, discipline, boundaries, anxiety, life lessons, restriction, authority, hard ship, limits

Saturn’s goal for you is: for you to master yourself and Build a solid foundation in your life

Saturn’s is the voice in your head that: gives you discipline and authority, but it can also beat you up and make you sad and anxious. It’s the planetary version of Debbie Downer

The History:  Saturn was known since pre-historic times because it’s visible in the night sky. The first written sighting of Saturn was by ancient scientist Galileo Galilei. Interesting note that he was not able to see the planet’s rings

The Astronomy: Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun. It has thin but massive rings that are not solid

It’s made up of: gas, mainly hydrogen and helium. It has a dense core of iron and nickel. Saturn is considered a gas giant. It could float on water. 

Can you see it with the naked eye? Yes!                       

You can see it best: depending on the time of year, it can be visible even in the daytime. 

The Mythology: Saturn was named after the Roman god of agriculture and that stole the position of king of the gods from his father Uranus. He is often painted with sickle in his left hand and a bundle of wheat in his right.  Saturn may have gotten its name its golden color, like a field of wheat. 

Saturn fun facts

-      Saturn has 5 moons -Titan,  Iapetus, Rhea, Tethys, and Dione. 

-      A year on Saturn is over 10,000 days. That’s compared to Earth’s 365 days. Can you imagine Saturnian high school? OMG it would last forever. 

If Saturn were a person or thing, they would be: Debbie Downer or someone who’s always anxious or scared. 

Rules The Zodiac Sign:  Capricorn

Have any experiences with Saturn in your life?


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