Pisces Super Power - Compassion

What can a Pisces do better than any other zodiac sign?

  • Being compassionate

Pisces has the ability to feel what someone is going through - almost to a fault. They can have empathy sickness,. That is, they can feel whatever is happening to someone else. It’s as if it’s happening to them too. Compassion and empathy come easily to them. Although this ability can be challenging for a Piscean’s mind and health, thankfully, Pisces can turn this trait into a super power. They can direct their compassionate energy into healing. Pisces can be an incredible intuitive healer and care-giver. They can use this quality to help others. Now that’s a worth super power.

Are you a Pisces? What are your super powers? Do you know any Pisces? What are their super powers?


Aquarius Super Power - Thinking different