Venus Deep Dive

The planet of love and money

Venus answers the question: Why do I express love the way I do? 

Represents: what you love and find attractive. It’s how you show love and affection – e.g. it’s your love style. It’s also how you make money. It speaks to your values and what’s important to you. It deals with relating to others generally

Venus is in charge of

-       Your loves, likes, what you find attractive, and your relationship style

-       Your core values

-       Your resources, assets, and how you could earn a living

Key words: love, romance, beauty, money, heart, values, harmony, relationships, attraction 

Venus’ goal is for you: is to love, be loved and know what your values are 

Venus is the voice in your head that: tells you to enjoy life and crush on your cute, funny co-worker while you’re at it

The History: Venus has been seen in the sky since prehistoric times because it’s visible. Ancient Egyptians thought that Venus was actually two separate objects… a morning star and then a completely different evening star

The Astronomy: it’s the second planet from the Sun. Venus is also the second brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon – brighter than any stars. It’s the only planet named after a female. You go girl! 

It’s made up of: a core of iron. She’s the strong but silent type. Her atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide and nitrogen

Can you see Venus with the naked eye: Yes

You can see Venus best: in the early morning. Venus is so bright because it’s close to us on Earth and has reflective clouds. She’s visible for about eight months a year 

The Mythology: Venus was named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, a counterpart to Greek's Aphrodite. 

Venus fun facts:

-       There are more volcanoes on Venus than on any other planet in the solar system. There are more than 1,600 volcanoes. Hawaii look out – you’ve got a competitor!

-       Venus is the closest to a twin of Earth. They’re very close in size and composition

If Venus was a person or thing, she would be: you’re pretty, flirty BFF who can charm her way into anything

Rules The Zodiac Sign: Libra

Have any experiences with Venus in your life?


Venus in Aries


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