Uranus Deep Dive

The Planet of originality and sudden change

Uranus answers the question: how do I express my individuality? Where am I different than others? 

Represents: your uniqueness. It’s how you’re different. It’s how you break through, innovate and see things differently.  It’s also what you rebel against and where you want to be independent

 Key words: uniqueness, awakener, sudden shocks, erratic, eccentric, disruptive, quirky 

 Uranus’ goal is for you: to be different and think different 

Uranus is the voice in your head that: wants you to speak your truth in your own way

The History: Astronomer William Herschel is credited with discovering Uranus in 1781. Some astronomers started calling the planet Herschel after him, but it was German astronomer Johann Bode who recommended the name Uranus, a Latinized version of the Greek god of the sky, Ouranos. 

The Astronomy:  Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun, and has the third-largest diameter in our solar system.

It’s made up of: ice. Uranus is an ice giant. Most of its mass is made up of water, methane and ammonia – above a small rocky core. Uranus’ atmosphere is made of hydrogen and atomic helium, and methane. 

Can you see it with the naked eye: Yes, kind of. The ancient astronomers thought it was a star because of how dim it looks. 

You can see it best: at night of course

The Mythology:  its name was inspired by the Greek god of the sky – Ouranos. He was the great-grandfather of Ares aka Mars, grandfather of Zeus aka Jupiter and the father of Cronus aka Saturn

Uranus fun facts:

-       Uranus is about four times wider than Earth. I shudder at the thought of a road trip on Uranus! 

-       Uranus rotates on its side. It’s got a tilt of 97.77 degrees. It’s break-dancing on the floor

-       Uranus is the coldest planet in the Solar System

If Uranus was a person or thing, they would be: that person who does their own thing without caring what other people think

Rules The Zodiac Sign:  Aquarius

Have any experiences with the Uranus in your life?


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