Sun Deep Dive

The Planet of your personality and sense of self

The Sun answers the question: Who am I? Why do I do what I do? What’s my purpose and highest potential? 

Represents:  who you are at your core, your personality 

It’s in charge of: 

-       You and your personality

-       Your natural talents and skills—what you’re good at

-       Your potential and how you’re meant to live

Key words: ego, self, consciousness, vitality, life, power, identity

The Sun’s goal is for you: to shine, be noticed and be the best you 

The Sun is the voice in your head that: wants you to be the main character in your life. It wants you to reach your maximum potential

The History: The Sun has been the mainstay of the sky since the beginning of time. From ancient cavemen to modern day sun-worshippers, the Sun is always with us. It’s a huge part of our lives. Just think – the Sun may just be the most constant thing in your life! 

The Astronomy: The Sun is the center of our universe. It’s the largest mass in our solar system and takes up about 99% of our universe. Without the Sun we would likely only stay alive for a few weeks 

It’s made up of: hot gas. It’s mainly made up of hydrogen and helium 

Can you see if with the naked eye: Yes, but sunglasses are a must

You can see it best: during the day. 

The Mythology: The Sun is called  Helios in Greek. He was said to drive his chariot daily from east to west across the sky. Each culture has a myth about the Sun and how it formed. 

Sun fun facts:

-       The consensus is that the Sun was born 4.5 billion years ago. 

-       The Sun is technically a star but in astrology it’s considered a planet

-       The Sun is massive. About one million Earths could fit inside the sun.

 If the Sun was a person or thing, they would be: your friend who is a generous, smart but dramatic attention hog, but you love them

Rules The Zodiac Sign: Leo

Have any experiences with the Sun in your life?


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