Neptune Deep Dive

The Planet of inspiration and imagination

Neptune answers the question: where am I most imaginative? Where do I have a blind spot? 

Represents:  your imagination, intuition and inspiration. It’s your connection to your subconscious and everything mystic. It’s where you may be deluding or deceiving yourself

Neptune is in charge of:

-      Where you’re creative and use your imagination, inspiration, and dreams

-      Where you feel you have to sacrifice

-      Your addictions

-      Where you’re confused and unclear

Key words: Inspiration, Confusion, Deception, Delusion, Imagination, glamour, spirituality, dreams, sensitivity, divinity, metaphysics, spirits, psychic, musical, illusions

Neptune’s goal for you is: to be inspired, break through boundaries and connect to something higher

Neptune is the voice in your head that: picks up on subtle energies and influences. It’s your inner channel to source and the unknown. It’s that gut feeling that warns you of “stranger-danger.”But ironically, it’s also the voice of confusion and obfuscation which may be why people get confused when listening to their hunches.

The History: Neptune, was first seen by telescope in 1846 by German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle. Good old Galileo Galilea was the first person to have seen it in the 1600’s. We know that because he marked it as a star in one of his drawings. But since he did not identify it as a planet, he’s out of luck as the discoverer. I think he may be turning over in his grave about that mistake.  

The Astronomy: it’s the eight and technically, the last planet, away from the Sun. 

It’s made up of: gas and ice. Most of the planet is made up of water, methane, and ammonia. It’s got a rocky core. Of the giant planets, Neptune is the densest.

Can you see it with the naked eye? Nope

The Mythology: Neptune, which has a vivid blue color, got its name from the Roman god of the sea. Neptune is the Roman sea God commonly shown with pitchfork.  

Neptune fun facts

 - It’s the coldest planet. Temperatures on Neptune can get down to -366.6 °F. As comparison, the coldest temp on Earth was recorded at -129F in Vostok, Antarctica. Brrr! 

 - It has the strongest winds. Winds on Neptune put hurricane and tornado forces on Earth to shame. Winds can get up to 1,300 miles an hour. Hang on to your hats!  

If Neptune was a person or thing, they would be: your flakey neighbor who burns incense and chants with Tibetan singing bowls who has a knack for predicting your future.  

Rules The Zodiac Sign: Pisces 

Have any experiences with Neptune in your life?


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