Mercury Retrograde through the 12 Houses

Mercury retrograde will affect you differently depending on which house it is retrograding through in your birth chart.

Each mercury retrograde is different and affects different signs. Every time Mercury retrogrades it is in a particular sign. That zodiac sign will feel its effects more. Additionally if you are the zodiac sign or have a lot of planets in that sign, you feel Mercury’s effects more than someone else who does not.

To make matters more complicated, Mercury will retrograde in a particular house in your chart. That area of life that house focuses on will be affected more. Be prepared for a lot of hijinks. You may feel like you can’t move forward or stuck. That’s Mercury nudging you to review, rewind, reconnect… any “re” word you can think of. It’s a forced break. Don’t even try to push through. Mercury is one tough cookie.

When Mercury was retrograding through my second house, the house of your finances, I had issues with a financial decision I needed to make. But when Mercury went direct, the situation seemed to resolve itself without me doing anything. Yeah!

When Mercury turns direct, you things will start moving more smoothly again. Till next time!

Mercury Retrograde through the 12 houses table - coming soon


Do’s and don’ts during Mercury retrograde