Mercury Deep Dive

The Planet of  information, communication and transportation

Mercury answers the question: how do I think and process information?

Represents: how you communicate

It’s in charge of:

 -       How you think, speak, learn, and process information and make sense of things

-       Your intelligence, ideas, and decisions

Key words: Communication, transportation, mental processing, ideas, speaking, reading, writing, early education

Mercury’s goal for you is: to learn and understand

Mercury is the voice in your head that: translates information that you see and hear into understanding and knowledge

The History: Mercury was seen in ancient times. But in 1631 scientists Thomas Harriott and Galileo Galilei actually got a closer glimpse with their newly invented telescope. Can you imagine the celebration after they saw it? 

The Astronomy: Mercury is the second planet from the Sun and is the closest to the Earth

It’s made up of: rocks and metals, like iron. It’s atmosphere is largely oxygen, sodium, hydrogen, helium and potassium. It’s got an iron core, a solid surface and a ton of craters

Can you see it with the naked eye: Yes. In the evening Mercury appears in the western sky, setting about an hour after the Sun. In the morning, it appears in the eastern sky, rising about an hour before the Sun

You can see it best: in January, May, September and late December in the evening. It appears in the morning sky in late February-early March, July, and late October or early November

The Mythology: Mercury was named after the Roman messenger god because it’s the fastest planet as it moves around the Sun. The ancients called Mercury the winged messenger. Mercury is also considered the god of travelers

Mercury fun facts

 -       It’s the smallest planet

-       It has the most craters – even more than the moon. One of its largest craters can fit the whole of Europe

-       A NASA Probe Mapped Mercury's Entire Surface. Talk about an invasion of privacy! 

If Mercury were a person or thing, they would be a: that chatterbox but also the one that always has something interesting to say 

Rules The Zodiac Signs: Virgo and Gemini

Have any experiences with Mercury in your life?


Mercury in Gemini


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