How to find your tribe through astrology

There are two ways to determine your friendship style astrologically – through your Sun sign and 11th house.

Your zodiac Sun sign can explain how you relate to people in general. The keyword here is “in general.” It’s a quick and easy method to gauge how your energies match with others or don’t. Comparing Sun signs explains how your personality and ego interact with someone else’s.

Your 11th house specifically explains about how you “friend.” It gives you a more detailed view of the kind of friend you are. Can the number of your close friends fill a camper van or do you only have a few people on speed-dial? Would you do anything for your friends, including re-analyzing every interaction they’ve had with their crush, like, ever, or do you have strict time and space boundaries? Your 11th house can tell you.

Your 11th house is also how you “do” friendships in general. It focuses on your style of making and keeping friends. Do you connect with people right away? Or does it take a long time to get to know you? You can come out now.

Your 11th house also sheds light on how your friends react to you. Do they see you as a shoulder to cry on or someone uncomfortable dealing with their feelings?  I’m not crying, your crying. Do your friends share all their innermost feelings with you or hide things they know you wouldn’t agree with? Oh no you didn’t.

The 11th house gives you a clue about:

the kind of friend you are:

·      do your friends mean everything to you or are you more of a loner?

·      do you pursue friendships or take a more laid-back approach?

the friends you connect with:

·      are they all a similar type or do you like to have a lot of different kinds of friends?

the kind of friendship you like:

·      do you want one very close BFF you do everything with or prefer many, but superficial, friendships?

·      do you pick your friends because you want something from them?


Pisces & Friendships