Have a Sagittarius Sun or Saturn? This is how you view your father

Do you see your father as the strong, silent type, or someone who cries at the movies? Does he want to spend quality time with you, or is he never around? Maybe you’ve never met your father, rarely see him, or don’t connect with him at all?

The zodiac sign connected to your Sun or Saturn tells the story of how you view him. It’s not his Sun sign. That’s different. He could be an Aries Sun IRL but you may view him as a Pisces. The zodiac sign connected to your Sun or Saturn explains how you view him, not what his Sun sign is. Sometimes how you view your father may surprise you. It could be hidden under layers of your subconscious, so you’re not aware of it. Grab a shovel.

I saw my dad as my best friend. We would talk for hours. He passed on his dry sense of humor to me and his love of crossword puzzles. We both loved to solve TV mysteries. After the first ten minutes of watching a crime show, he would turn to me and ask, “Okay, Gem, who done it?”

The range of possibilities of how you view your father is outlined below. Chances are you’ll see him somewhere in between.

Click on button below to create your birth chart and see what zodiac signs your Sun and Saturn are in:

What sign is your Sun or Saturn in? How do you view your Father?


Have a Capricorn Sun or Saturn? This is how you view your father


Have a Scorpio Sun or Saturn? This is how you view your father