Have a Cancer Moon? This is how you view your mother

The Moon represents your feelings, needs, and emotional reactions. It shows how you feel comforted and secure. So it makes sense that the Moon would also symbolize your mother. She was probably the first person you bonded with emotionally and the one who nurtured you. She may have even dressed you in Mommy & Me matching outfits.

The zodiac sign connected to your Moon plays an important role in how you view her. It’s not her Sun sign. That’s different. She could be an Aries Sun IRL but you emotionally connect to her or view her through the zodiac sign of your Moon.

If you have a Capricorn Moon, you may see your mother as capable, hard-working, but possibly also strict and reserved. These are Capricorn traits. I’m getting Mommanager vibes. But if you have a Pisces Moon, you could see your mother as idealistic and compassionate, traditional Pisces qualities. She’d help you create a Spotify list and dance to it with you.

There’s no astrological description that can describe your exact connection to your mother. Your relationship may be complex. One moment you could see her as a friend and tell her everything, including that time you ran that red light and got a ticket. Whereas the next minute, you may be afraid she’s getting overly involved in your life, so you shut her out. Both feelings could be accurate.

It’s more realistic to think of your relationship with her as a range of experiences. That’s because each sign has a range of how it expresses itself. In a prior chapter, we talked about higher and lower octaves of signs. It applies here too.

Chances are you’ll see your mother between the two extreme descriptions in the following chart.

Check out your birth chart to see what zodiac sign your Moon is in below:

What sign is your Moon in? How do you view your Mother?


Have a Taurus Moon? This is how you view your mother