12 Zodiac Signs - Overview

March 21-April 19

Turbo charged Aries

Aries is the warrior of the zodiac. They’re mission is to take charge. They’re ambitious, headstrong and don’t like to be told what to do. They like to be first in everything. They want results and are not afraid of challenges. Risks and obstacles motivate them. Aries are also pioneers, innovators and trend-setters. The best way to connect with an Aries is to understand their need to take action.

April 20 -May 20

Comfortable Taurus

Taurus is the rock of the zodiac. They’re mission is to make the world more stable and build a solid foundation for themselves and others. They are reliable, dedicated and grounded. They’re also very determined and can be stubborn. They like nice things and enjoy the comforts of life. They don’t like to be rushed and have a hard time with change.  The best way to connect with a Taurus is to appreciate their need for simple, practical solutions.


May 21-June 21

Chatty Gemini

Gemini is the thinker and talker of the zodiac. They’re mission is to gather information and learn as much as they can. Gemini’s like to know a little bit about everything. They’re happiest when connecting with others and sharing information. They’re fun to be around, are versatile and flexible. They’re clever and but can also come across as scattered. The best way to connect with Gemini is to appeal to their natural curiosity.

June 22-July 22

Nurturing Cancer

Cancer is the caregiver of the zodiac. They’re mission is to nurture the world with their compassionate nature. They’re private and protective of the people they love. They’re like the mana bear who protects her baby bears against any trouble. They’re ready with a shoulder to lean on or a homemade meal, just because. They can be perceived as shy or guarded. The best way to connect with Cancer is to make them feel safe and secure.


July 23-Aug. 22

Dynamic Leo

Leo is the star of the zodiac. They’re mission is to be in charge. They’re vibrant, charming and creative. They’re also warm, generous and can be the life of the party. Leo’s are natural born leaders and can be very magnetic. It’s hard to say “no” to Leo when they dazzle you with their ideas.  The best way to connect with Leo is to let them take center stage.


Aug. 23-S

ept. 22

Analytical Virgo

Virgo is the organizer of the zodiac. They’re mission is to bring order to the world. They want everything to function better and run more efficiently. For any problem, they want a practical solution and concrete results. They analyze everything. They’re very work-oriented and are willing to put in the effort to make it happen. The best way to connect with Virgo is to help them get things done right.

Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Diplomatic Libra

Libra is the social butterfly of the zodiac. They’re mission is to help everyone get along.  They have an amazing ability to see all sides of a situation. They’re great diplomats and can smooth away any conflicts or dramas with grace and style. They take fairness very seriously and hate it when there’s injustice of any kind. The best way to connect with Libra is to appeal to their need to maintain harmony.

Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Intense Scorpio

Scorpio is the most intense sign of the zodiac. They’re mission is to know all of the mysteries of life. They’re a ride-or-die kind of person that doesn’t do anything half way. They want to get to the bottom of everything and find what lies unearth – good or bad. They also want power and control. They’re passionate, intense, and strong-willed.  The best way to connect with Scorpio is to help them get to the bottom of things.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Cheerful Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the adventurer of the zodiac. They’re mission is to know the meaning of everything. They want to understand the bigger truths and questions in life, like “why do we exist?” and  “what is the higher source?” They’re the travelers of the zodiac and have a need to roam. They’re also very positive and optimistic. Very few things bring a Sagittarius down. They’re the “glass half-full” kind of person. The best way to connect with Sagittarius is to appreciate their need for exploration and adventure.

Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Capable Capricorn

Capricorn is the do-er of the zodiac. They’re mission is to succeed and accomplish goals.  They’re capable, focused, steady, efficient, and logical. They have tons of stamina and loads of self-discipline. They’re ambitious and driven. They appreciate status and hierarchy. The best way to connect with Capricorn is to understand their need to earn responsibility and respect.

Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Community Minded Aquarius

Aquarius is the individualist of the zodiac. They’re mission is to shake things up. They’re original, quirky, innovative and unconventional. They can be rebellious and pride themselves on being different. Aquarians focus on humanity and society over individuals. They live in the future and understand that the world needs to let go of preconceived notions and outdated ideas. The best way to connect with Aquarius is to appeal to their need to challenge the status quo.

What’s Your Zodiac Sign? How do you live your sign?

Feb. 19-March 20

Compassionate Pisces

Pisces is the dreamer of the zodiac. They’re mission is to make the world less harsh. They’re compassionate, sensitive and imaginative. They feel other people’s pain and can often mistake it as their own. They’re inspired by the mysteries of the world and have heightened intuition. They are guided primarily by their emotions. The best way to connect with Pisces is to appreciate their need to help people.