Gemini Alcott's World of Astrology

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Virgo - Deep Dive

Aug. 23-Sept. 22

An Analytical Over-achiever

Your symbol: is the harvest maiden. Virgo is the sign of the early Fall, just after the summer crop of food has been sowed. Virgo separates the wheat from the chaff – the edible seed from the non-edible husk. It’s an important job, during a very critical time of year. Virgo’s are responsible for deciding what part of the harvest to keep that will feed the village folk and what to discard - that would not provide nourishment or make people sick. If Virgo’s gets it wrong, there’s no food to eat in the winter. No wonder you’re so responsible! 

 Key words: systematic, ordered, purifying, analytical, process orientated, practical, precise, discriminating, critical.

 Your element: is Earth

Your mode: is Mutable

Your planetary ruler: is Mercury

Your “why” is: to bring order to and improve the world. You want everything to function better and run more smoothly and efficiently. For any problem, you want a practical solution and concrete results. You analyze everything. You’re very work-oriented and are willing to put in the effort to make it happen. You’re not afraid to pull up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. You’re a huge fan of self-help books. Your biggest project may be bettering yourself. 

You’re: the organizer of the Zodiac. I have three words for you. The.Container.Store. Marie Kondo is your hero. You’re detail-oriented, conscientious, a list-maker, and a planner. You like everything neat, clean and orderly – almost obsessively so. A little bit of you dies when you have to step on a newly vacuumed carpet. Those lovely straight lines. Ahhh….  And I bet you clean your hairbrush – every week, am I right? You want things to be finished – like projects and tasks. The joy you feel when you’ve checked something off your “to-do” list is like heaven opening up and angels singing. You like the feeling of control that work gives you.

Are you a Virgo? Do you know a Virgo?

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