Gemini Alcott's World of Astrology

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Libra - Deep Dive

Sept. 23-Oct. 22

A Social Butterfly

Your symbol:  is the hanging scales. One side holds the items, like wheat, corn, or pink glazed donuts. The other side holds the measuring weights. So it makes sense that Libra season starts in late September when farmers’ crops were weighed after the summer harvest. Your mission is to be fair and balanced. Libra season is also the time of the Fall equinox when days and nights are equal in length. 

Key words: partnership, relationships, art, beauty, harmony, peace, diplomacy, compromise, mediator, peacemaker, justice, fairness, balancing, sharing, partnership

Your element: is Air 

Your mode: is Cardinal 

Your planetary ruler: is Venus

Your “why” is:  to help everyone get along and make everything fair. You need harmony and balance. Not too hot or not too cold. Your symbol can also be the blindfolded Lady Justice, whose statue is found outside many courthouses. She represents fairness, equality, and justice under law - no matter who you are. You want everyone to have their fair say in court and life. You like classic Hollywood endings, where good people get rewarded, bad people get punished and everything turns out right in the end. 

You’re: the diplomat and judge of the zodiac. You have an amazing ability to be neutral and see all sides to everything. You’re a great mediator and want everyone to be heard. You’re charming, gracious, clever, popular, artistic, and have good taste and style. You have excellent social and conversational skills.  Think schmoozer. You’re easy to get along with and can make people laugh with witty jokes. You can talk to anyone, anytime. You could even put a smile on grumpy cat. It all comes naturally for you. You just know what to say, when, and how to say it. You love to get compliments and validation. You care about what people think. How could it not when your planetary ruler is Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and harmony? 

Are you a Libra? Do you know a Libra?

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