Gemini Alcott's World of Astrology

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Gemini - Deep Dive

May 21-June 20

A Curious Communicator

Your symbol:  is the Twins. The word gemini means twins in Latin. The symbol looks like the Roman numeral two. Gemini is based on two Greek mythological twin brothers named Castor and Pollux. Gemini’s constellation looks like two nearly identical stick figures holding hands. Awww . . .

Key words: chatty, clever, communicator, intelligent, curious, changeable, witty

Your element: is Air

Your mode: is Mutable 

Your planetary ruler: is Mercury

Your “why” is:  to gather information, learn all you can, and share your knowledge with the world. Your mind is very active.

You’re: the thinker and talker of the zodiac. Another word is a chatterbox. You’re very creative and have great ideas. You have a hunger to understand and experience. You’re constantly seeking to know more. You soak up information and ideas like a sponge. You’re also curious, playful, versatile, communicative, and quick-witted. Social media was made  for you. You’re skilled at adapting to new things and the fast pace of life. You’re always in motion and juggling many things at once. You love to be busy.

Are you a Gemini? Do you know a Gemini?

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