Gemini Alcott's World of Astrology

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Trifecta: Sun and Ascendant

Your Sun and Ascendant – is your sense or self different that how you appear to others?

Your Sun is your inner you. Your rising sign is your outer you. Your sense of self (Sun) could be very different than how you appear (rising). If you find that people don’t seem to “get” you, it may be because your rising sign is not reflecting who you really are.

Your Sun and Ascendant’s connection will answer questions like:

Am I hiding or open about who I am?

Do I try to appear to be someone I’m not?

Do I want to be more confident, so try to appear that way?

To answer these questions look at the signs they are connected to. Do they naturally get along? Check the matrix in the back of the book to know.

 Next look at the aspects between them.

Here’s an example of the kind of conversation your Sun and rising sign are having inside your head about a situation:

Your Scorpio Sun (is motivated to be private):  My friend Luke wants me to join his networking group. I’m going to have to give a short speech about the hardest time I’ve had in my life – in front of everyone. OMG! No way! I want to keep my life private. I’m not comfortable with everyone knowing my inner most thoughts and secrets. I don’t trust these people. How do I know they won’t tell anyone outside the group? What if they judge me?

Your Gemini ascendant (is motivated to communicate): What are you talking about? This can be so much fun. I just want to meet everyone and be surrounded by interesting people. Think of all the stories they have that can help you. Scorpio – you make things so hard for me. No one wants to open up to me because you’re not letting me open up to others. Communication is a two way street.

What can you do?

Ask yourself what would it take for you to be comfortable expressing yourself fully? What are you willing to reveal so don’t feel like you’re exposing too much?

How do your Sun and Ascendant get along?

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