Gemini Alcott's World of Astrology

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One of the best ways to prepare for life’s up and down days is to know the timing of planetary retrogrades. Retrogrades are when a planet appears to go backward in the sky. It’s an optical illusion. Planets don’t go in reverse. They just slow down compared to the Earth’s speed. Think of two trains traveling along parallel tracks. When one train goes faster, the slower train seems to be moving backward even though it’s still going forward. It’s a hot mess express.

When a planet retrogrades, the areas that the planet rules don’t work properly. The planet doesn’t have its full power. Its program is glitchy and there’s no manager to complain to. #Rainbow spinning pinwheel of death. Retrograde planets are not doing what they should be doing. They’re not focused on their job. Instead, they’re slacking off—like going shopping or getting their nails done.

Retrogrades are also considered the universe’s version of Murphy’s Law. Anything that can go wrong, does. Knowing when these retrogrades happen can  help you navigate around these challenging periods.

Do you have any experiences with retrogrades?

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