Gemini Alcott's World of Astrology

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New Moon Ceremony

What you need (any of the below):

-     candles

-     crystals

-     incense, sage, essential oils, a diffuser

-     notebook & pen

-     water

-     a yoga mat/cushion

To take advantage of the new moon’s energy, about eight to ten hours before a new Moon, write a list of the goals you want to achieve during the month or the next twelve months. You can even make a vision board for extra oomph to supersize your goal setting. So stock up on magazines or settle in for a night of powerful Pinteresting. During the time of the new Moon, at about sunset, go to a quiet place. Review your goals and meditate on them. Then light a candle and with total belief and certainty, repeat out loud:

Let go of any expectations of how you will achieve your goals. All you need to do now is have faith, patience, and be open to any signs, ideas, or opportunities over the next few days.

You can also grab your besties and make an evening out of it. Everyone can take turns and read their list out loud to unleash the energy into the universe.

Have you ever been in a new moon ceremony? What was it like?

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