Gemini Alcott's World of Astrology

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New Moons

The new Moon is a perfect time to set intentions. It's very powerful. It’s often called a “seed” moon—as in planting a seed. It’s at the start of its monthly cycle. This is one of the best times to visualize what you want and take the first step. It doesn't matter how small. This is a time to dream big, even if you feel hesitant or unsure.

It's when: the Moon and the Sun are next to each other on the same side of the Earth. They’re hugging. They haven’t seen each other in a month and have lots to catch up on. It's the first phase of the Moon's cycle and considered to be the astrological start of a month. It’s day one. There's one new Moon every month.

It means: a beginning. It’s a chance to start fresh. You can plant the seed of what you want to grow over the next two weeks. So grow with the flow, star child!

It looks: like a tiny sliver or no Moon at all. The side of the Moon lit by the Sun is facing away from Earth.

It lasts: an instant technically. But when viewed from Earth, it seems to take two to three days.   

It helps you by: setting up the conditions for your intentions to be achieved.

Your energy level: may be low. You may be more tired than usual.

You may feel like: hibernating or being away from people.

It may affect: your emotional state and energy level. You could be more sensitive and cautious.

Key words are: goals, possibilities, dreams, a clean slate, planting a seed, new beginnings, fresh start, blank page.

Sign: can be any. The new Moon will always be connected to a zodiac sign. For example, if the new Moon is in Gemini, you’ll feel a little more Gemini at about that  time, even if you don’t have any planets in Gemini. You may be more curious, talkative, and social. Your outgoing calls and browser history will be jam-packed!

How do new Moons affect you?

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