Gemini Alcott's World of Astrology

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Electional Astrology - picking dates

The Astrology of Picking Favorable dates

Electional Astrology - using astrology to pick auspicious times to begin new ventures or undertakings

What Is It: Electional astrology is the astrology of determining the best times to do something. It is usually something significant where timing is connected to the long term success of the event - such a picking the date of a wedding to have an astrologically favorable marriage or the date to launch a business for long term success

How Does It Work: it is based on the premise that everything has a “birth” date that is reflected in the alignment of the planets at the moment that it begins. Based on the type of event (marriage, launch a business) an astrologer will pick the best date and time based on the planets associated with the event.

How to Use It In Your Daily Life: whenever you have an important event coming up, you might consider getting an electional reading with a professional astrologer. It’s better to work with the planetary energies than against them

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