Gemini Alcott's World of Astrology

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Different types of Astrology - Overview

Astrocartography: the astrology of determining the best location for you (to live, work or travel)

Chinese Astrology: the astrology practiced in China and some parts of Asia. It is based on the lunar calendar that assigns an animal to a year of birth

Electional Astrology: astrology for picking the best time for an event

Financial Astrology: predicting financial events and the outcomes of financial markets with astrology

Horary Astrology: is an ancient branch astrology where an astrologer tried to answer a question for a client. It the closest to a crystal ball we have. The question has to be answerable by a simple “yes” or “no”

Medical Astrology: This is an ancient branch of astrology that associates various body parts and diseases with the planets and zodiac sign. Each zodiac sign rules a body part, and certain planet affect different organs. When you look at someone’s birth chart from a medical perspective, you may be able to see the different types of medical issues thy may have

Mundane Astrology: astrology for predicting world events and affairs with astrology

Political Astrology: understanding political contests, elections and candidates. There can be prediction for winners

Relationship (aka synastry) Astrology: using astrology to understand the relationship between two people. It also focuses on compatibility. There are two methods - synastry and composite.

Vedic Astrology: the astrology practiced in India. It is based on the sidereal zodiac and is more complex than Western Astrology which is practiced in the USA, Europe (Western hemisphere)

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