Gemini Alcott's World of Astrology

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6th House Deep Dive

The house of your job, work environment, daily grind,  general health and any health issues

Key words: Work (vs Career), Service, Health and Vitality, Healing, small Pets, Daily Routines

Look at your 6th house for direction about: your job, your health and your daily routine 

The 6th house focuses on

1.      your daily life and grind: It can be your routines, daily to do list, schedules and duties. aspects of life that the sixth house alludes to involve one's work, wellbeing, individual cleanliness, daily schedules, and duties

2.     Your job: this is your 9-to-5 pm not your career. If you plan to be an actor but have to wait tables, the 6th house describes your server job. It’s what you do to pay the rent, and not your real calling or career

3.     Service: it’s your attitude about helping others. Things like volunteering and other humanitarian work falls under this house

4.     Health: your physical health more than mental. This house deals with things that affect your body and well being. Luckily this house also rules healing and how you heal

5.     Pets: this is the house of small pets, like my cat Luna who likes to flop herself right on top of my laptop keyboard

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