Gemini Alcott's World of Astrology

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Aquarius - Deep Dive

Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your symbol:  is the Water bearer. It’s usually shown as a young man carrying a jug of water that is spilling out. People think you’re a Water sign because of your symbol, but you’re not. You’re an Air sign. It’s just one of the many contradictions of being an Aquarius. Aquarius is  associated with the Greek myth about Ganymede, a young man who is the cup bearer (aka water boy) to the gods. Whenever the wine cups of the gods on Olympus were empty, he would fill them.

Key words: individualist, non-conventional, cutting edge, eccentric, genius, non-traditional.

Your element: is Air 

Your mode: is Fixed

Your planetary ruler: is the Uranus

Your “why” is:  to shake things up, break barriers, and show the world how to think differently. Your planetary ruler, Uranus, validates that. Uranus has a very unusual orbit around the Sun compared to the other planets. It’s tilted so far on its side—almost ninety-eight degrees—that it basically goes around the Sun on its tummy. Talk about looking at the world in a different  way! You’re into the future, not the past. You’re the walking, talking, breathing equivalent of Silicon Valley. How do you fit into a world when you’re always one step ahead?

You’re: the individualist of the zodiac. You’re original, quirky, innovative, unconventional, independent, analytical, and often rebellious. You pride yourself on being “weird.” You know who you are and aren’t afraid to show it. You just don’t care what other people think of you

You march to the tune of a different drummer and don’t mind who knows about it. You have the confidence to challenge the status quo. Being like everyone would be completely boring for you. Without you, the world would be a much more humdrum and conventional place. You also love to shock people. You think it’s the only way to get them to let go of their preconceived notions and outdated ideas. You’re more likely to be liberal and progressive

Are you an Aquarius? Do you know an Aquarius?

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