Gemini Alcott's World of Astrology

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Mars Deep Dive

The Planet of action and drive

Mars answers the question: What do I want out of life and how can I get it? What motivates me? 

Represents: what motivates and drives you. It’s how your assert yourself

It’s in charge of:

-       What you want—your drive and motivations

-       How you express your willpower and drive; your actions

-       Why you get angry or aggressive

Key words: drive, motivation, anger, inflammation, action, aggression, will, energy

Mars’s goal for you is: to go after what you want

Mars is the voice in your head that: tells you to “go for it girl”. It’s the eternal cheerleader that yells your name and hoots and hollers when you win

The History:  Ancient astronomer Galileo Galilei first observed Mars in 1610 with a telescope

The Astronomy: it’s the fourth planet from the Sun. It has a central core and is rocky with volcanos, canyons and craters. It’s called the red planet because red dust covers most of its surface

It’s made up of: iron, nickel, and sulfur, silicon, oxygen, and magnesium. It covered with iron dust and volcanic rock. Scientists believe it has the consistency of soft rocky paste

Can you see if with the naked eye: Yes 

You can see it best: Mars starts each year in the morning sky. But later one, he  increases in brightness as he pulls away from Earth. 

The Mythology: The planet Mars is named after the Roman god of war and an agricultural guardian. He is considered the protector of Rome and one of the most prominent military gods in the Roman army. He is thought to be the often considered the child of Jupiter and Juno, and the father of Rome's founding twins, Romulus and Remus. 

Mars fun facts:

- Mars has the tallest mountain in the solar system

- Frozen water was found on Mars

- Mars is one of the most explored planets in our solar system. There have been many Rovers including the two latest ones (Curiosity and Perseverance). Mars also has one lander (InSight), and one helicopter (Ingenuity)

If Mars was a person or thing, he would be: the coach of your sports team 

Rules The Zodiac Sign:  Aries

Have any experiences with Mars in your life?

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